Do we like whispering Judge Dredd? Is he truly the law? Do we miss Stallone?
Tell us your thoughts about the new Dredd trailer, but be careful. Dredd might whisper menacingly in your ear if he disagrees. (Heisthlaw, after all.)
Do we like whispering Judge Dredd? Is he truly the law? Do we miss Stallone?
Tell us your thoughts about the new Dredd trailer, but be careful. Dredd might whisper menacingly in your ear if he disagrees. (Heisthlaw, after all.)
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“A profound love between two people involves, after all, the power and chance of doing profound hurt.”
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand Of Darkness
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Ok, I’m going to admit it bugs the frell out of me that the female Judge has no freeling helmet on!
Other than that, it looks no better or worse that the Stallone version did.
Drokk! Made by Hollywood nonscrots! Clearly these grexnixes ripped off The Raid: Redemption! Quaequam Blag!
Dear god, that looks terrifingly awful. And I say that as a person who’s been a fan of Karl Urban since the Xena days, and who also loves Lena Headey’s work.
Honestly, I think a lot of it is the helmet. I know that’s Dredd’s THING, but it’s hella hard to make a connection with the viewer when you’re delivering such comic/action hero cliche lines…and all we can see is the same sneer.
It looks fabulous. The helmet looks great, uniform is a sensible updating of the 70s original sans the yellow and green, even the shoulder eagle is well done. The Lawgiver looks the business too.
The helmetless judge looks like a reference to Psi Judge Anderson who was notoriously cavalier when it came to her helmet. Most judges were a little more relaxed than Old Stoney Face.
Looks almost perfect to me, and it will be a great relief to have a better movie version than the Stallone abomination.
Mirana@3: the helmet making it hard to make a connection is a feature, not a bug. Dredd’s not supposed to be easy to make a connection with, nor a hero; at best he’s an anti-hero and much of the time more a useful monster. Karl Urban, sfaict from interviews, gets this.
Block wars, Dredd keeping his helmet on, non-flying bikes. Already looking better than the Stallone misfire. I gather Dredd’s creators are happier with this version, too.
I’m very much looking forward to this. To address a couple of points other posters have made, yes, the setting may seem very similar to “The Raid,” but this film’s been in pre-production for years. I heard it was going to be Dredd and Anderson trapped without back-up in a city block full of hostiles ages ago, long before I’d heard of “The Raid.” Of course, at that point people were saying it was a rip-off of “Die Hard.” Sigh. As to Anderson not wearing a helmet, she very rarely does in the comic. She’s a psi and psi-judges are given some leeway that street judges aren’t with respect to uniform and lifestyle.